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Local Ballot Question - Old Reservoir Dam

This Question Is Not Binding.


Shall the Town direct the Select Board to issue an opinion to the Massachusetts Office of Dam Safety that the Town intends to take possession of the Old Reservoir Dam in order to repair the dam to maintain the current water level of the Old Reservoir?

Treasurer/Collectors Tax Window CLOSED

The Treasurer/Collectors Tax Window will be CLOSED on February 6, 2025, as the departments office space undergoes renovation. Taxpayers may still make payments online, or in person at the Henry Woods Building through the Assistant Treasurers Window located on the second floor. Inquiries regarding payment status or balances may be made via email to the Assistant Treasurer/Collector at Voicemails will be returned wherever practicable. Normal hours will be resumed on Monday, February 10, 2025.

Open Seats on Committees & Commissions

The Town has open position(s) for the following committees:


  • Barre Common Oversight Committee (2 seats)
  • Cable TV Advisory Committee (1 seat)
  • Historical Commission (2 seats)
  • Open Space & Recreation Committee (7 seats)
  • Council On Aging (4 seats)


If interested, people may contact the Town Administrator's office at 978-355-2504 x135 or email for more information. Hard copy applications are available at the Town Administrator's office at the Henry Woods Building, 2nd floor.


Nomination Papers have been taken out for all offices up for election except the following:

Planning Board Associate 1 year seat

Sewer Commissioner 3 year seat

Any Barre Registered Voter wishing to take out nomination papers should contact the Town Clerk's Office at 978-355-2504 ext 5.

For a list of all offices up for election, papers out and returned as of Feb. 4th click here.