Human Resources

Due to the lack of a Human Resource Department, HR functions are coordinated by the Town Administrator's Office in partnership with the departments hiring and the Treasurer/Collector. The goal is to enhance service to the citizens by hiring and retaining the best employees, increasing productivity and job satisfaction through the planning and administering of personnel programs, wellness initiatives and professional development designs along with healthcare benefits. We work to ensure that the Town has a skilled, competent and diverse workforce that will work to meet the Town's goals. 


Contact the Treasurer/Collectors Office for the latest forms relating to changes to benefits, changes to pay, or changes to retirement forms. New hires should start with the Town Administrators Office to obtain the new hire packets for full and part time employees and for wage determination (hourly or salary). These packets are then returned to the Treasurer/Collectors Office for processing. 


Retired town employees should contact the Treasurer/Collectors Office for most requests relating to retirement, including ensuring the Treasurer/Collector is aware of any pending retirements in advance as well as to ensure Worcester Regional Retirement is informed in a timely manner of any retirements, separations, or changes to retiree withholdings.