• We here in the Town Clerks office send out a town census every year. The Federal Census is done every ten years through the Federal Government. These are two different reporting tools. If you have questions pertaining to the Federal Census you may log on to the following website. There you will find important information and answers to common questions as well as contact numbers.



Recently, you should have received a letter from the U.S. Census Bureau, inviting you to go online to respond to the 2020 federal Census.   The U. S. Census counts every person in the country ervery 10 years.  The information gathered through the census is used to decide how much our communities get in state and federal money for things like public health, transportation, and education.  The census is quick, easy, confidential and important, please visit www.my2020census.gov and complete your family’s census form today so the Town of Barre can be sure that every one of our residents are counted.


How To Respond


The 2020 Census will ask a few simple questions about you and everyone who is or will be living with you on April 1, 2020.


For the first time, you can choose to complete the census online, by phone, or by mail. Find out more about each of these methods below:



Please note that if you are responding online, you must complete the census in one sitting, as you don't have the ability to save your progress. See the questions the census asks here.  


If you do not receive an invitation to respond from the Census Bureau, you may respond online or visit our Contact Us page to call our phone line.




  • Access the Town Profile Link for information relating to its topography, local government and demographics based on the 2010 Census Data.


As of March 31, the national self-response rate is 38.4%, the Massachusetts self-response rate is at 40.3%, and the self-response rate in Barre is 36.4%. Great progress! 


As of April 18th, the national self-response rate is 50.5%, the Massachusetts self-response rate is at 51.9%, the Worcester County self-response rate is 53.4%, and the self-response rate for Barre is 48.8%. This is great lets keep climbing!


As of April 23rd, the national self-response rate is 51.6%, the Massachusetts self-response rate is 53%, Worcester County self-response rate is at 54.6% and Barre's self-response rate is at 51.1% - FANTASTIC! Lets keep this number going up!


This information is viewable to the public via https://2020census.gov/en/response-rates.html

Response Rates



2020 Census job link ($22/hour for Worcester county):

