Cemetery Locations


Adams Burial Grounds (South Street)

Buckminster Yard or South Burial Grounds (South Street)

Caldwell Burial Grounds (Fruitland Road)

Caldwell Burial Grounds Out Lot (Fruitland Road)*

Coldbrook Burial Ground (off Route 122 @ the Barre/Oakham Town Line)

District #4 Burial Grounds (Farrington Road)

District #9 Burial Grounds (Old Petersham Road)

District #10 or Hathaway Burial Grounds (Spring Hill Road)

Hemenway Burial Grounds (Phillipston Road)

High Plains Burial Grounds (Peach Street)

Jane King Burial Yard (Silver Brook Road) (Green Burial Only)*

Jenkins Burial Ground (Sheldon Road)

Kendall Plains Burial Grounds (Old Coldbrook Road)*

Lee Burial Grounds (Wauwinet Road)

Lincoln Burial Grounds (Pleasant Street)

Powder Mill (Nichols Road)

Prince Walker (off Gilbert Road)

Riverside Burial Ground (Covered Bridge Road off Granger Road)*


*Indicates lots available for sale


Cemeteries not overseen or maintained by the Town of Barre:

Glen Valley Cemetery (Valley Road)

Parker/Barre Falls Burial Ground (Barre Falls Dam)

St. Joseph's Cemetery (South Barre Road)