Real Estate Taxes

Payments can be made:

  •  Online Here
  • Mailed to: Town of Barre     40 West Street- Suite 387     Barre, MA 01005
  • Dropped in the lock box outside the building.
  • Brought into the office.

          • "Postmarks are not considered payment in a timely fashion..." per M.G.L. Chapter 59 section 57.
          • Bounced checks are not re-deposited. A fee of $25.00 and any accrued late charges will be added to the bill for all checks not honored by your bank.
          • Checks will not be held by the Collector for later deposit.


Due Dates: 

  • Preliminary real estate tax bills for 1st and 2nd quarter are mailed the end of June each year.
    • 1st quarter tax bill are due August 1st and 2nd quarter tax bills are due November 1st.
  • Actual tax bills for 3rd and 4th quarter are mailed the end of December each year.
    • The tax rate should be set in time for the third quarterly bill to be mailed for January 1st. 
    • 3rd quarter tax bills are due February 1st and 4th quarter tax bills are due May 1st.



Abatements, Exemptions & Address Changes:

Please contact the Assessors Office for information regarding Abatements, Exemptions and Address Changes. Any Abatements or Exemptions received are applied directly to your Quarter 3 and Quarter 4 Actual Tax bills.


Assessed Owner of Record:

Massachusetts General Law requires that the property tax bill must be sent to the owner of record as of January 1st of the previous year. Please contact the Assessors Office to update your address.


Late Payments:

Interest at a rate of 14% per annum is assessed on all payments received after the due dates, and is charged from the due date until the tax is paid.  A tax balance still remaining unpaid after May 1st will result in the issuance of a demand bill and an additional $25.00 fee. It is the responsibility of the taxpayer to ensure that tax bills arrive in the Treasurer Collector office on or before the due dates. A person who does not receive a bill is still liable for the tax plus any interest charges accrued. [M.G.L. Chapter 60 Sections, sections 3 & 16]

If taxes are not paid (current) in Barre, you can be denied a permit from the various Boards within the Town until such time as your taxes are brought current.

Continued failure to remit the balance will result in the securing of a lien on the property through a tax taking process. Public notice of this process will be posted two weeks in advance in a local newspaper and in two public places. An Instrument of Taking will then be recorded at the Worcester County Registry of Deeds.