Dog Licenses are annual licenses.  The license period runs April 1st to March 31st every year. All dogs 6 months of age or older must have a valid rabies vaccination and all Dog owners must license their dog(s) each year with the Town of Barre in accordance with local and state laws.   Dog Licenses are available thru the Town Clerk's Office and may be purchased in person by placing a check or money order made payable to the "Town of Barre",  a self addressed/stamped envelope, rabies certificate and an application in the outside locked box or by mailing the same to the Town Clerk, PO Box 418; Barre, MA  01005.  It is the dog owner's responsibility to remember to license their dog(s) annually on time to avoid late fees.  


In order to license your dog you must mail in or drop off the following items to the Town Clerk Office;

  • A Dog License Application.
  • A copy of a valid rabies certificate.
  • A spayed/neutered certificate (if applicable) for first time licensing dog.
  • A check made payable to "Town of Barre" for correct amount.
  • A self-addressed, stamped envelope to have it mailed back if requesting license by mail.


Male Not Neutered OR Female Not Spayed             $15.00

Neutered Male OR Spayed Female                            $10.00

Transfer License from another town                              $2.00

Late fee (on or after June 1)                                     $20.00 each dog

  (No late fee if new dog or you are a new resident licensing for 1st time).

A Non Criminal Citation may be issued by the Animal Control Officer and additional fines may be charged to dog owners who fail to license their dog.

Kennels must be approved by the Planning Board and Inspected by Animal Control Officer.  Kennel License Fees vary between $40 and $300 depending on the number of dogs approved.


If you move from Barre or you no longer have a dog, you should immediately notify the Town Clerk's Office to update your account and avoid future charges.