Board of Selectmen

The Barre Select Board would like to thank you for visiting our webpage. As stipulated by Massachusetts General Laws, our Board is the executive authority for the Town of Barre. In this capacity we are responsible for calling town elections, town meetings, and publishing the annual town warrant. We are in charge of hiring town counsel, appointing certain town officials and filling unexpected vacancies on elected boards.

The Select Board signs warrants for paying town bills, and grant all local licenses and permits. Just as important, the Board provides leadership in setting policy and strategic direction for Barre and troubleshooting various problems that arise in our community. We encourage the public to attend our meetings, lending their voice to the democratic process as we strive to improve the quality of life in Barre.

Anyone interested in bringing an issue to our attention may do so by contacting the Town Administrator Tammy Martin via the contact information listed to the right. Please be aware that in order for the Select Board to act on an issue we must follow the guidelines spelled out by the Massachusetts Open Meeting Law.