Sanitary Sewer Overflow Notification
On January 7th, 2022, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection promulgated 314CMR16.00 pursuant to the authority of the Massachusetts Clean Waters Act. Regulation 314CMR16.00 establishes requirements and procedures for notifying the public of sewage discharges and overflows into the surface waters of the Commonwealth to protect and preserve public health.
Click here to download a copy of the regulation: 314CMR16
Per the regulation, 314 CMR 6.03, the Town of Barre must issue a public advisory notification for the following events:
- any discharge of partially treated wastewater, including blended wastewater;
- any Sanitary Sewer Overflow that discharges through a wastewater outfall, either directly or indirectly, to a surface water of the Commonwealth;
- any SSO that flows into a surface water of the Commonwealth and is the result of the sanitary sewer system surcharging under high flow conditions when peak flows cannot be conveyed to a POTW due to capacity constraints.
Within two hours of a discovering an SSO, the Town of Barre will send out a public advisory notification via this website, local media outlets and the SMART911 system for email, text and voice alerts. This notification will contain the location and details of the SSO, the affected areas, along with any precautionary measures to be taken by the public.
To sign up for Emergency Alerts via email, voice and/or text, please click here: SMART911
Online information regarding an SSO can be found by visiting the Energy & Environmental Affairs Data Portal, choosing Barre in the Municipality Field and click search; Click Here to visit the portal.
Should you have and questions or concerns please contact us:
Town of Barre DPW
441 Wheelwright Rd
(978) 355-5013
Town of Barre Sewer Department
411 Wheelwright Rd.
(978) 355-5020