Treasurer/ Collector

Treasurer Duties & Responsibilities

The Treasurer is custodian of all Town funds, reconciles bank accounts, and manages the Town’s payroll and employee’s benefits. Checks are mailed from this office after being processed by the Accountant and signed by the Selectmen. The Treasurer borrows funds in anticipation of revenue or for capital projects authorized by Town Meeting.  
The Treasurer is responsible for Tax Title accounts, foreclosing on properties that have unpaid taxes. When the Town takes possession of these properties, they may be placed in the custody of a Town department for “open space,” or other uses.  They may be available for public auction when Town Meeting votes to sell these parcels.


Collector Duties & Responsibilities

All tax bills are warranted to the Tax Collector for collection by the Barre Board of Assessors. The tax collection process is governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. It is the responsibility of the Tax Collector to make sure every Real Estate, Personal Property, Motor Vehicle Excise tax bill, and Water/Sewer bill warranted for collection is collected in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Bills not collected on time must be charged interest and late fees according to Massachusetts Law. Bills not paid eventually will have a lien recorded against the parcel in accordance with the rules set forth by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  

Employees Seeking to Discuss Benefits

Any employee seeking to discuss benefits, such as health insurance, must contact the Treasurer/Collector in advance to arrange an appointment. It is also requested that the employee detail questions they may have when arranging the appointment so that the Treasurer/Collector may do any necessary research prior to the appointment. If a question isn't thought of in advance and requires research, the Treasurer/Collector will research it and happily follow up with the employee.