Water User Fees
Water bills are billed quarterly. Bills are issued as follows:
January, February, March usage – Billed in the month of April
April, May, and June usage – Billed in the month of July
July, August, and September usage – Billed in the month of October
October, November and December usage – Billed in the month of January
Bills are due and payable within 30 days of issue. Late payments are subject to a $25.00 demand charge. Interest will be charged at 14% per annum on any payment not received by the Collector’s Office by the due date. Postmarks are not accepted. Continued failure to pay will result in water service being shut off. There is a $100.00 fee charged for water on/off. Unpaid water and sewer charges will be liened on the following year’s real estate tax bill.
Water service is based on the actual metered usage with a base minimum and per c.f. charge over the minimum as listed below; and the sewer charge is based on water usage. The meters are read and maintained by the Water Division of the Department of Public Works and all collection is done through the Treasurer/Collector Department.
The current rates are:
Residential: Water Rate $ 70.00 0 to 1,000 c.f.
Per cubit foot over minimum 0.070
Commercial: Minimum $72.00 0 to 1,000 c.f.
Per cubic foot over minimum 0.072
Industrial: Minimum $74.00 0 to 1,000 c.f.
Per cubic foot over minimum 0.074